Client:    Comisión Nacional del Agua, Comisión del Agua del Estado de México.

Related projects:  Drainage systems in agricultural and marginalized urban areas, Yago irrigation zone in the state of Nayarit, irrigation channels in the area of the Mexicali Valley.

Project description

In order to dignify the agricultural and marginalized areas of the country, drainage systems, both mixed and separated, are constructed in different regions of the country with high density extruded polyethylene (HDPE) pipes, manholes, sub-collector boxes and collectors with pipes of concrete of 3.10 meters in diameter.

In some systems the method of horizontal jacking is applied for important roads crossings such as the outer circuit Mexiquense. as is the case of the irrigation area of ​​the Yago locality, in the state of Nayarit, PVC pipes of more than 63 kilometers were installed with two crossings, one towards the Tepic-Mazatlán highway and the other towards the Mexico-Nogales railway. It has 110 farm intakes, 65 hydrant type and 65 drainage boxes that benefit three “ejideros” (communal lands) with more than 250 “ejidatarios” (workers) that have changed from temporary irrigation to technified irrigation in more than 2,000 hectares belonging to the Centennial Channel project.

In the Mexicali valley, more than 32 kilometers of concrete-lined canals are built at different stages through compacted earthen levees and simple concrete lining.

Also, more than forty different structures are being built, such as bridges, gates, sub-lateral junctions and wildlife crossings belonging to the Canal 4 de Abril and Canal Nuevo Delta projects in the Baja California and Sonora states.

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